Exception handling in java

A feature called exception handling in Java enables you to handle and control errors or extraordinary circumstances that could happen while a program is being executed. Objects that represent exceptional circumstances that may impede the regular course of code execution are known as exceptions. Java has an integrated exception handling system that can deal with these circumstances and make sure the program doesn't crash abruptly.

An overview of Java's exception handling process is provided below:

Types of Exceptions:

According to Java, there are two basic exception types: checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions (sometimes referred to as runtime exceptions).

Checked Exceptions: These are errors that the compiler expects you to explicitly catch with try-catch blocks or by using the throws keyword to indicate that your method throws the error.

Unchecked Exceptions: They (also known as runtime exceptions) do not need to be handled manually, but try-catch blocks can still be used to catch them.

Try-catch Blocks:

Code that could raise an exception is contained in the try block of a try-catch statement. If an exception arises, the code to handle it is located in the catch block. To handle various error kinds, you can have numerous catch blocks.

try {

    // Code that might throw an exception

} catch (ExceptionType1 e1) {

    // Handle ExceptionType1

} catch (ExceptionType2 e2) {

    // Handle ExceptionType2

} finally {

    // Optional: Code that runs regardless of whether an exception occurred or not


Throw Statement: 
You can manually throw an exception from your code using the throw statement. When you wish to show that a particular error situation has occurred, this is helpful.

if (condition) {
    throw new CustomException("This is a custom exception");

throws Keyword: 
In the method signature, a method must be declared if it has the ability to throw an exception. Callers are informed of the mechanism they must use to handle or propagate the exception through this.

public void someMethod() throws SomeException {
    // Method code that might throw SomeException

finally Block: 
Regardless of whether an exception was thrown or not, code that must be run is specified in the finally block. It is frequently applied to cleanup tasks like shutting off resources.

Custom Exceptions: 
By extending the default Exception class or one of its subclasses, you can create your own custom exception classes. This is helpful for developing particular exception kinds that are related to the domain of your application.

public class CustomException extends Exception {
    // Constructor(s) and additional methods

Java's exception handling features let you gracefully handle failures, increase application robustness, and give users helpful error messages.


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